Merry Christmas wishes the vdb Christmas Choir

The year 2022 is slowly drawing to a conclusion. It was a year with many changes, especially in the area of payment transactions.

We celebrated several employee anniversaries this year and also had numerous new additions. With these great prospects, we look forward to a hopefully equally successful 2023!

The entire van den Berg team wishes you a peaceful, reflective Advent season, happy holidays and a great start to the New Year.

Our singing talents have also recorded a song for you this year.

We hope you enjoy listening to the vdb song!

Press release: New Foconis GmbH pools expertise.

Exciting news: van den Berg is part of Foconis and will become Foconis Payment in the course of the first half of the year.
To the press release

Status quo instant payments: EU regulation adopted, ambitious implementation deadlines

We summarized the most important information for you
More Information

Christmas party 2023

We brought our Christmas party forward a little this year and started the festive season in mid-November. Click here for the impressions!
To the impressions

Swiss Payment Forum 2023: Keynote by Christian Fink on the topic of instant payments

Christian Fink shares insights from his keynote on "Instant Payments."
To the Video


Once again, it has been shown that personal exchange is irreplaceable. We are all pleased that we can look back on a very successful event in Munich.
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Thank you – for a lively CESOP Focus Session!

We look back on a lively Focus Session on the topic of CESOP - combating VAT fraud! Please feel free to contact us and talk to our experts.
To the article

summer party 2023!

Fantastic atmosphere, great conversations, partying into the night - We had an absolutely wonderful summer party! Here you can get an impression yourself.
To the impressions

CESOP – Fighting value added tax fraud

On 01.01.2024, the directive on fighting VAT fraud will come into force. This has an impact on various processes of a bank and its technical infrastructure.

van den Berg Forum 2023

On 10.05.2023 we had our annual van den Berg Forum. Watch our impression video now!
To the video

Press release: Acquisition of van den Berg and pdv by Main Capital Partners

With this press release we inform you about the acquisition of van den Berg by Main Capital Partners.
To the press release

Swiss Payment Forum

On 21.11.2022, the Swiss Payment took place in Zurich, where we gave a presentation on the topic of instant payments.

15 years Payments-as-a-Service

The Aachener Zeitung has published an article about Foconis Payment and in particular the 15th anniversary with Payments-as-a-Service.
To the press article

Proposed legislation: Instant Payments Obligation

The European Commission presented its proposed legislation on instant payments this week

Apple harvest 2022

Apple harvest at van den Berg with active support from the "Frauengruppe Herzogenrath"

ibi Zahlungsverkehrsforum

On 06.10.2022, the payment traffic forum of ibi research took place in Frankfurt. At our booth, the participants could inform themselves about Payment-as-a-Service, Instant Payments and many other payment transaction topics

Aachener Firmenlauf 2022

On 23.09.2022 the 9th Aachener Firmenlauf took place and the vdb team was there again
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vdb summer party 2022

On 12.08.2022 we celebrated our VDB Summer Party together with numerous colleagues!

Swiss Payment Forum 2022

We are a partner of this year's Swiss Payment Forum 2022 on November 21 and 22 in Zurich. Christian Fink gives you a little insight into the topic in our video.
To the video

Merry Christmas wishes the Vdb team

Our singing talents have recorded a song for you again this year. We hope you enjoy listening to the vdb song!
To the video

18th imh Banking Congress KURS Interview with Christian Fink

In conversation with Christian Fink - "Verpflichtung für Instant Payments" Interview at the 18th imh Banking Congress KURS
To the video

van den Berg will operate mass payment transactions for Volksbank eG – Die Gestalterbank in the future

In the future, more than 300 million transactions will be processed annually for Volksbank eG - Die Gestalterbank in the van den Berg data center.
To the press release